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The wonders of salento

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The advantages of booking with us:
Best price guaranteed Flexible Check-out/Check-in Welcome drink 60' SPA access Welcome Dinner Best price guaranteed Flexible Check-out/Check-in Welcome drink 60' SPA access Welcome Dinner
Best price guaranteed Flexible Check-out/Check-in Welcome drink 60' SPA access Welcome Dinner Best price guaranteed Flexible Check-out/Check-in Welcome drink 60' SPA access Welcome Dinner

A journey to discover landscapes,
emotions, and stories.

Salento, a unique land between two seas, capable of offering villages with a centuries-old history and long stretches of coastline. Here, you can glimpse the red of the earth and the white of dry-stone walls, the blue of the sea blending on the horizon with the sky, and the yellow of the sun illuminating this corner of Puglia. You can savor true Salento cuisine made from vegetables, legumes, local meats, and Mediterranean fish. There are many stories and curiosities waiting to be discovered. Fasten your seatbelt, let’s embark on a journey to discover Salento.